what if

what if

she thinks of someone else 

what if

she never replies my text 

what if

she packs her bag and leaves 

what if

her heart is made of steal 

what if

she is scared of nakedness 

what if

my aim is for aimlessness 

what if

she loves someone else

what if

her soul is stressed

what if

she sees this broken man 

broken like the people of Iran 

what if

she doesn’t love me back

when she sees what I lack

what if

one day she says no

when I reach my hand and she lets it go 

what if

she gets tired of me

on a topic we may disagree

what if

she gives the cold shoulder

and her heart starts to grow colder 

what if

her love would moulder

by the time we grow older

what if

she finds someone else

someone better than me I guess 

what if

she leaves me with my loneliness 

in times of lowliness

what if

after I asked her out

she says no because of doubt 

what if ...